Latest Posts
Stock Market Analysis and Prediction
Project5 - Stock Market Analysis and Prediction using Python
GIS Visualisation: Poland's Deforestation Trends
Project4 - Geospatial Data Visualisation in R: Poland’s Deforestation
KPI Dashboard: Tracking Business Performance
Project3 - Interactive Tableau Dashboard: KPI Tracking
COVID Dashboard: Tracking Infection Rates and Deaths
Project2 - Interactive Shiny App in R: COVID Dashboard
Landing Page Explaination
Windrose Analysis for Launch Sites in Scotland
Windrose Analysis for Launch Sites in Scotland
My Journey towards Data Science
My name is Seàn and I am thrilled to share this new stage of my career with you. Following seven years within the Space sector, most recently as a business consultant, I chose in 2021 to transition my career to the domain of data science. For my entire life, my interests have always been related to art, design, coding, systems, statistics and data. After discovering a career path that marries all of these interests together, I couldn’t have been more excited.
Test Post
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